Fin & Fire Fly Shop in Redmond, Oregon offers the largest selection of products by your favorite fly fishing, hunting and outdoor brands. Stop by anytime to browse the largest selection of gear in Central Oregon, book your next fishing trip, enjoy any of our beers on tap or to just chat with our friendly and knowledgeable staff.
Quite simply, I love everything about the sport of Fly Fishing. Whether its chasing steelhead in Alaska or Canada or stalking wary trout on the Deschutes or Metolius, the roots of the sport go deep for me. After 35 years of pursuing fish on a fly I am here to give my time to you. Whether its fixing a little hitch in your cast or understanding a hatch on your local waters, you can trust that I am looking out for your interest in growing with the sport. I am proud of the team we have assembled under one roof and welcome you to the Fin & Fire family!
Growing up in Oregon taught Dave a lot about the outdoors and the trout and steelhead that reside in the local waters. Moving to Idaho and taking a job as a guide on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River trained Dave the technical aspects of running boats and fishing wild rivers in the West.
Instructing new and experienced anglers, Dave will infuse an energy and passion to the day that will give you the confidence that you can fish anywhere with success!
Nathan’s earliest memories are of casting bait trying to catch the elusive Rainbow Trout Riding his bicycle, with training wheels still attached, to his local Willamette Valley river are amongst his fondest childhood memories. Nathan moved to Central Oregon in 2003 He’s been fortunate enough to travel numerous locations to fish. Whether it’s Mexico, Belize, or Hawaii, every trip has felt like his first fishing adventure. You can find him spending time with his family, on local waters, or in the mountains chasing big game with a bow in hand.
I started fishing at a young age but it wasn't untill I moved to northern California to go to college that I found myself obsessed with steelhead and pursuing them with a swung fly. The northern California and southern Oregon coastal rivers became my home and my sanctuary.
Since moving to bend in 2013 I've loved exploring new areas and find great satisfaction in discovering the secrets different waters hold.
Carp, yes carp get me excited. It's okay, you can make fun of me, I can take it.
As a hobbyist, Ryan has been fly fishing our Central Oregon rivers since the late 90’s. While our rivers fill a portion of the years activities the rest of his available time has been spent Big Game hunting many of our states public lands. “From Elk to Blacktail, Mule deer and Turkey I was fortunate to have a great outdoorsman and mentor point me in the right directions and show me the ropes.” Come into the shop and speak with Ryan about any of your outdoor needs, he is a great resource to help you prepare for your next adventure.
John is a retired educator and fly fishing extraordinaire. While the school year was reserved for teaching and coaching, summers were always reserved for fishing. Most notably, John guided most summers out of Dillingham, Alaska in the Wood Tickchik area. For more than 15 years now, John has been fishing the rivers and lakes of Central Oregon and is excited for the challenge fly fishing continually brings. He currently lives in Bend, with his beautiful wife Carol.
Growing up in SW Montana, Jessie was surrounded by some of the best trout rivers in the world. After cutting her teeth in Montana, she learned about a mythical beast called a steelhead and picked up and moved to Central Oregon to live with her now husband Jake. Jessie’s love for travel and adventure has exploded. From Christmas Island to the flats of Mexico, the thrill of stalking fish on the flats is now a passion. She loves to help people find their own adventure and become more confident both as a human, and as an angler.
Though Daniel’s first love was surfing off the coast of California, he has since found the rivers of Central Oregon as a place to replenish the soul. With beginnings rooted in Tenkara, Daniel has expanded his horizons to include two-handed rods in the pursuit of elusive steelhead. When not taking care of his 3 sons, or working on his Spey casts, Daniel can be found on Central Oregon waters anticipating the next connection with one of nature’s gifts. On weekends, you can find Daniel in the shop helping customers with his kind nature and building friendships one customer at a time.
At an early age Dylan discovered his love of the outdoors. Born in Iowa and later moving to Arizona, he and his family eventually found roots in Southern Oregon. To support his passion for snowboarding and backpacking, Dylan started working when he was just 13. He was given his first fly rod around that same time and was instantly committed to learning everything he could about all aspects of the sport. The Upper Klamath and the Rogue River's became his home waters. Guiding on the river gives him the opportunity to teach the sport that has given him so much peace and enjoyment.
Martin has been fishing around Oregon since 2010 and guiding in Central Oregon since 2013. He loves all aspects of guiding, some days its hard to call it a job as it is his passion. He loves teaching people everything from casting single hand to two-handed rods, learning the bugs in each river and how to select the correct fly patterns to match the hatch. With a seven-year background in culinary, when it comes to riverside meals he loves to impress and is capable of catering to just about any dietary need.
Russ is a native Oregonian who was born and raised on an Eastern Oregon cattle ranch bordered by the John Day River. Russ grew up fishing the many rivers, streams, lakes and reservoirs of Eastern and Central Oregon and also enjoys big game and upland bird hunting back in the mountains of his childhood home. Upon moving to Central Oregon over 25 years ago, Russ was introduced to fly fishing and has never looked back. The sport has allowed Russ opportunities to host destination fishing trips, gain further knowledge of the sport and most importantly—meet some great people.