Introducing the Mini Hots, a new addition to the fly collection designed by Greg Garcia. This series was inspired by the quest for a Yellow Sally, using the familiarity of the Elk Caddis style. However, Greg was not satisfied with previous attempts at incorporating a red/orange butt using materials such as glass beads, floss, and dubbing.
It wasn't until Greg studied steelhead flies that he came up with the idea of using a HOT "tinsel" tag for the butt. The body of the Mini Hots features a hot tag and slim thread-tapered abdomen, with the addition of micro tubing for durability and enhanced body coloration.
One of the unique features of Greg's patterns, including the Mini Hots, is their clean and precise design. He always uses just the right amount of material without ever going overboard. The Mini Hots have undergone rigorous testing on various rivers, including the Arkansas, Colorado, and Roaring Fork, and have proven to be effective in attracting fish.
The Mini Hots are traditional style dry flies with a HOT attractor theme, making them not only functional but also exquisite in their design. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a novice, the Mini Hots are a must-have for your fly collection.